Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Poaching Post #1

Happy Mittwoch Lieblings,

We are running on fumes over at Stunts because at around 11:00 pm last night I distinctly heard the tell tale signs of a Mr. Mouse.  Ugh.  We rarely get mice but when we do (hey, it's a big city and an old building) they tend to come up the pipes in our bedroom.  Double ugh.  Normally I'd run like a crazy woman into the living room and curl up on the couch and wait for hubby to come home to take care of business but I was too tired and too annoyed to care so I just perched myself in my bed with my book and the lights on.  Maybe Mr. Mouse smarted up and decided to vacate because we can't find it anywhere but the traps are set and the exterminator on speed dial.  Little bastards.  Of course I hardly slept a wink so all I can say is Mr. Mouse had better watch out because if I do see it I might get all medieval and burn it at the stake.

Anywho, crazy mouse ramblings aside, I've stumbled upon some very interesting things over the past few days and I think they are worth sharing.  In light of all the SOPA nonsense and because I like to think I'm a relatively honest person I can't take credit for these ideas so I'm calling the next few days my "Poaching Posts". 

1.  What isn't authentic?  I read this post by Jenna over at Cold Antler Farm yesterday and it asks a very simple and valid question What isn't authentic [for you] in the context of striving for a more authentic life.  I know many of you who read this ask yourself that on a daily basis and I know I think about this all. the. time.  For me at least the problem lies in figuring out what makes for an authentic Church Lady Gretchy. for thought.

2.  I've subscribed to Oprah magazine for years and while I love the articles I have a hard time actually sitting down and reading them.  On Sunday I actually read one cover to cover while slogging away on the treadmill and there were so many poach-able ideas I just didn't know where to begin.  Today let's start with Six Word Memoirs.   I've done various exercises in the past where you write about yourself in order to inform yourself about yourself-make sense?  For example, if you want to work on overall goals for your life one exercise is to write your obituary and tell others about your life.  You could say so and so lived to a ripe old age because she juiced every day and never missed an opportunity to travel the world.  Or so and so was loved by all in her small, Alaskan community.  Etc.  This Six Word Memoir is ingenious because you only get 6 words to tell your story.  Editor Larry Smith of the web magazine SMITH Magazine got the idea after inspiration struck from Ernest Hemingway's Shortest of Short stories.  If you only had 6 words to say what would they be?

I'm cheating because I'm using 6 1/2  word for the first one but this what I came up with:

Grace-filled authentic life; earned, lived and loved.  

Chickens, yarn, family, faith, friends and cake.  

Take that mouse!  Mommy wins again. 

Smile!  You can't have it all.  

Got over self.  Lived full life.  

What would you write?  

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