Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Breathe Good Thoughts

I saw this sign while walking to the subway today.  Message from the universe???

Hello Lovelies!

So.....if you are what you eat then imagine what happens when you think?!  Thoughts have been on my mind lately because in my quest to 'Cut the Chaos' I feel like the I wheels in my mind are giving the race cars at the Daytona 500 a run for the money.  My life is great and there is nothing major on my plate to keep my brain so occupied.  However, I have spinny brain wheels! 

So I came up with a new idea between the hours of 12:30-1:45 am last night when I was up and couldn't power down again.  Breathe Good Thoughts.  It is going to sound a little earthy, nutty, crunchy but can I say that if the last 12 hours or so has been any indication this just might be the ticket.  So here's my formula: 
1)  Come up with 3 or 4 positive thoughts about YOU.  They can be positive ideals you want to work towards to things that you believe about yourself now.  "I am beautiful".  "I am a grace filled person".  "I am enough".  "I am a good friend".  "I am a freaking Goddess". 

2)  Now, whenever you find a few down moments in your day-it could be standing in the shower, a commercial break on TV, waiting for the light to change or for the train, or after you tripped and fell on the sidewalk at Park Ave and 52nd, skinned your knee and looked like an IDIOT (Yep.  That was me today)-take a deep breath in and say your little personal, positive thoughts.  Repeat as often as you need too for the next month.  I certainly feel better after this little exercise and I'll be curious to see what develops out of it during the next few weeks.  Remember, only positive thoughts and keep them in the present and active tense. 

Bussi, Bussi Darlings!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm baaaaack!

Simplicity is greatness in goodness.
A simple life has to face very few problems.
Because you are simple, you can embody God's powerful Hope in you.
Simplicity is a very glorious discovery.
Simplicity is the fruitful birth of peace.
Simplicity is God's beauty-friend.
Simplicity soulfully reaches the vast reaches of the world.

Sri Chinmoy (3) 

Dear Friends,
Happy Spring darlings!  It took a little longer to come back from my self imposed electronics hiatus (warm weather and taxes are to blame-ha!)  I missed researching and writing but I loved, loved, loved being unplugged.  It was so liberating and I highly recommend giving it a try.

I can't remember the exact quote, but I read recently that actress Emily Watson said that the reason she doesn't use facebook or twitter is because she has enough junk in her own head that she doesn't need to see the junk in other people's heads.  Oh so true.

While it is probably impossible to live in an 'unplugged' world I did make some serious modifications to my electronics diet.

1)  No more nonsense apps.  The celebrity gossip will still be there waiting for me.
2)  Get off of THE FACEBOOK.  Seriously.  All I do is comb through pages for nonsenses and feel like crap about myself.  I do a great job tearing myself down without any outside influences-thank you very much!
3)  The emails can wait.  Stop checking the phone/computer every 5 minutes.
4)  A phone call is so much nicer and a face-to-face meeting with a friend is even better.
5)  Just because it seems like a good idea/craft project/goal on one persons blog doesn't mean I need to jump on the bandwagon right away too.

My original goal/idea was to try and blog everyday except Sunday.  Realistically that probably won't be the case but you know what.....A-OK!  There was a great post yesterday over here that really hit home.  Take the easy road kiddo!  Not the blecha, cheap road but the quality over quantity road.  I have lots of new stunts planned to 'Calm the Chaos' and to savor each juicy moment of life and I can't wait to share them with YOU!