Sunday, October 23, 2011

Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do or Do Without-Day Eight

Good Morning Friends and Happy Spirit Sunday!

I found this story and just had to share it.  It is inspiring and it's amazing the power that a name can hold.  To summarize these girls in India had Hindu names that translated to 'unwanted'.  Not only were they relentlessly teased but in a society where there is a high male to female ratio and women don't have as many rights (education, financial or social) this was just one more thing added to an already large deck stacked against them.  In an effort to help try and break the cycle the government stepped in and had a renaming ceremony.  The names that these girls chose were beautiful and now they have some hope.  I have visions of these girls dressed up in their finest clothing with their hair combed and baubles in their hair and beautiful smiles on their faces as they say their new name for the first time.  Just incredible and talk about do without!

photo from Associated Press
Here is a link to the full article:   285 Indian girls no longer called 'unwanted'.

Friends, what can you do without in your own lives?  What cycles need to be broken?  As much as life can be a struggle we are truly blessed to be living in this country because it is out of sheer dumb luck and that is something to say a prayer of thanks for every single day.  My challenge for you on this Spirit Sunday is to find something to just do without and be done with it.  Basta!  Finito!  Auf Wiedersehen!  Ciao!  You are even allowed to put on your finest clothing and give yourself a ceremony if that will help. 

Enjoy the rest of your day darlings!

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