Monday, March 25, 2013

Meatless Monday-A Vegetable Campaign

Hello Lovelies, 

I'm back!  Ok.  I've said that before but Mama needs to focus on having at least one adult moment in the day where I don't need to play mermaids, sing "We Are The Dinosaurs", or worry about diaper leaks.  

We are on a vegetable campaign in our house.  Baby is on solids, the three year old is an opinionated eater, and in an effort to eat more compassionately (compassion for me, the environment, and our furry friends plus the added concern about what is REALLY in that meat/dairy) we are pushing vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, and healthy fats.  Enter the smoothie!  These glorious 'nutrient bombs' are a dream.  Fast to make, easy to pack full of fruits & vegetables, and the perfect healthy base for added protein powders, soups, or sides. Smoothies make for easy cleanup as opposed to juicing and my tummy likes the hearty consistency better both because it is more satisfying and pure juice can make me queasy. I'm not sure if it is too much of a vitamin bomb on the ol' stomach lining or my body is a toxic wasteland and the pureness of juice is a shock to the system. Regardless, give a smoothie a try and start tossing things in your blender with a little liquid and savor the magic! Below is a pic of our favorite mix of coconut water, banana, and spinach. Not only is spinach a powerhouse of vitamin greatness but the flavor is mild. If green drinks scare you give this a try before you throw in the kitchen towel and run screaming the other way. Hey, if my discerning toddler and baby will drink it you know it will not taste like dirt.

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