Happy Wednesday!
While I was researching fashion ideas and 'looks' yesterday I came across the most fantastic term-Romantic Nomad. It implies a style with strong, earth tones, lots of texture and layers while still fitted in all of the right places and beautiful jewelry with lots of beads. Sigh. Heaven.
Assets will fail you first.
Let's talk PRODUCT! You all know how much I love beauty products. I mean for goodness sake-I'm an AVON lady now :) But even in the spirit of beauty and all things feminine I tend to acquire more than I need and it just sits around collecting dust or spoiling. Not very attractive OR cost efficient. Today I want you to round up all your potions and lotions. Open everything and give it a sniff test. Has it turned? The general rule is that after a year you should give your beauty products the ol' heave ho. If I really like something and I'm using it on a regular basis or if it's something that I am only using for the stage and it doesn't smell I keep it around. If you are someone who likes to purchase a lot of product it might be a good idea to inconspicuously mark the date of purchase someone where on the packaging for future reference. Even if you aren't using beauty products you still have what I consider 'health and beauty products' in your home. It can be medicines, lotions, creams etc. Check everything. I'm even lumping those little travel and sample products into this stunt. Okay. You've cleaned our the cupboards so now what?
1) If you are makeup user really go through it with a fine toothed comb. Do you have doubles of colors? If so is there a brand that you like better? If yes then toss the one you don't use. Lots of lipstick? Take two ziploc bags out. Leave one empty and put the rest in the other one. Periodically throughout the day and when your lips are bare take out a tube and put it on. How does it look? Does it stay put? Does it taste funny? Does the color work? If yes, then put it in the empty bag. No-then toss.
2) I have oodles of samples from multiple trips to Sephora, selling Avon and from traveling. Use those suckers up! Saving them isn't doing you or them any good. You really should consider using refillable containers for travel anyway. It's better for the environment and why travel with product that you don't normally use? Your skin and body are already in enough of a state of shock.
3) Beauty creams. If they were fatal they'd by my kryptonite. I have loads and I have yet to use one up in it's entirety in my lifetime. So what to do with these half used jars? First, let me suggest that none of you have REALLY aged yet and it wouldn't hurt you to use them up (unless of course you are allergic to an ingredient or pregnant so in that case, why haven't you tossed them yet?). If you are married to your current face cream then consider using your rejects on your neck and decollete. We often neglect everything below the chin but at the end of the day what shows your age faster? A wrinkled neck, mottled chests, dry hands......and saggy breasts and assets.
4) Lastly, consider what types of product you are spending your money on. Experts agree that expensive face wash is a waste of money. It just sits on your face for a minute anyway so save your money for decent creams. Expensive color for your face (foundation, lipstick, liner etc.) can also be a bit of a waste of money. I defer to your personal preference on this one but just know that $4.00 eyeshadow and $40.00 eyeshadow both need to be reapplied throughout the day. No one will except you will really know how much you spent on your makeup. Again, if it makes you feel better great but I would encourage you to consider spending your money on something else.
Cheers and happy primping!
PS-For those products in your medicine cabinet consider storing them all together in a pretty container. Think how impressed your guests will be when they ask for a band-aid and you whip out some glittered monstrosity. Look for sales and coupons for your favorite products. during cold and Flu season I always wait for a good sale and then stock up on the essentials. If you are feeling crafty there are great recipes out there for cough syrup and 'fixer-uper' concoctions. I wouldn't use them on wee ones and be cautious when mixing. I first read about Elderberry Cough Syrup here. James Wong has been featured on many-a-program that I frequent (Martha Stewart and NPR to name a few) and he has an incredible book and clips on the web. He is a trained botanist and I would trust his judgment in the concoction department.
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