Happy Spirit Sunday Friends!
Today I'm grateful for free will. What you say? Free will on a Spirit Sunday? Look. I don't have this whole 'spirit' thing figured out or God all figured out but I'm not sure you ever do and that's part of the fun and challenge of being a person of faith (not converting anyone-just sayin'). For me, I think there is a certain amount of fate involved in our gift of life and you need to roll with the punches. On the other hand, a lot of the decision making process is left up to us-a big task if you think about it and a huge responsibility. What are you going to do with this life of yours? Your thoughts, words and deeds?
Two things for the cooker today.
I had a great conversation this week with a dear friend and we were talking about 'the spiritual path' in life. She has been working with a meditation group and discovering some great things not only about herself but I dare say she is having a 'shift' in how she approaches life. (5 stars my friend!). One of the coolest things she told me that I keep going back to is that at some point you need to take responsibility and ownership for the energy that you put out into the world. I love this image and it's so very true. We have free will but we also need to own up to our actions. A nice way of saying poop or get off the pot :)
Today we celebrate Reformation Sunday in the Lutheran Church. It's my favorite Sunday of the year because not only do we sing my favorite hymns but we hear the message of Grace. Lutherans believe that by Grace we have been saved and not by good works. But again, with that comes huge responsibility. What are you spending your time and talents on? Martin Luther exercised some pretty serious free will, nailed his 95 thesis on the door, a revolution happened in the church and we have what is known as the Lutheran church today. While this is not quite what he had in mind talk about taking ownership.
Free will is pretty cool but can also be a daunting gift. In some respects living a life that just relies on fate would be easier. Dull, but easier. So what are you going to do today with your free will today?
Cheers and Happy Sunday!
Free Will is a pretty cool thing but kind of scary at the same time.
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