Grace and Thanks are wonderful things but it is easy to get bogged down in these Holy moments. On crisp, fall days we all could do with a healthy dose of whimsy.
In all seriousness-I am truly grateful for socks. A warm pair of woolies can really make the difference on a cold day. I was particularly grateful to have the luxury of putting on a fresh pair last night before leaping into bed and burying myself under the covers to hide from the cold. Even the Moosh loves them. If there is one thing this kid loves it is having her feet covered at all times. Sure, she loves to pull off her socks because it's a fun game but then wants them back on IMMEDIATELY! And if one should happen to come off when changing her diaper?! Yikes.
Some interesting facts about socks. The name socks may have been derived from the Latin word soccus, the name for the shoes worn by comic actors in Ancient Rome. (See! Proof that the Arts are good for society.) The first 'socks' were created by tying animal skins around the feet and binding them at the ankle. These fluffy feet warmers can be traced back to ancient Greece in 8th century BC. By the 5th Century AD socks were worn by the Holy folks in order to show their purity and 400 years later became a symbol of wealth.
Side note/commentary: Can you imagine sitting on the side of a dusty road during ancient times and staring at someones feet and longing for a pair of socks? Were there designer socks? Were people robbed for their socks? Kind of makes sitting on the subway and longing for that passengers expensive __(insert)__ seem silly in retrospect. This also gives me pause think about all those kids today in other countries who are unable to attend school because they can't afford shoes. I've heard stories of families rotating their shoes among the kids so at least they can go get an education one or two days out of the week. Complaining about your finances? Think if you didn't have socks or shoes!
The mass production of socks took off with the invention of the knitting machine in 1589 which meant that socks could be churned out at a rate 6x's faster than by hand. (Lisa!) Nylon was introduced in 1938 and the socks that we know and love today are a direct result of said faux fabric. As someone who knits this makes me a little woozy but I digress....
Socks are so much fun and can add that extra something special to any outfit. As one friend famously says, "a splash of color". But what to do with them as they wear out or loose their mates in the wash? Here is my Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do or Do Without tip for the weekend. If you have a small hole in the toe then put in your favorite movie and get to darning. If you've darned those darned socks beyond repair or you have a pile of single socks it's time to recycle them into cleaning rags. A sock worn on the hand is the best duster for hard to reach spots-tops of doors, in between slats on blinds and those corners the vacuum just can't get. Genius!
Have warm feet? Say a prayer of thanks!
Happy Friday and Buon Weekend!
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Socks on their last leg. |
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A little 'holiday' cleaning. Hee hee. |
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The cleanest this door has ever been. Serious! |
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