Monday, May 6, 2013

A is for Action: Day 6

Happy Monday! 

Did you do your homework and come up with one, simple action item that you are going to do every day this week?  This week I'm going to kiss my hubby and kids ten times in a row every morning.  It's so easy to get caught up in the frenzy that is family and parenting.  In the big scheme sleepless nights and husbands who leave socks on the floor (ahem!) are just blips on the radar.  Gotta show love and live life now!  

With the idea of living life now and taking action lets talk triggers-specifically triggers that cause you to not take action.  We all get stuck in ruts.  Some folks use these ruts to propel them into action and change while others, like me, just dig ourselves further and further into our cozy rut when triggered. What triggers you to walk further and further away from action and making change?  Fear? Finances? Food? Lack of sleep? Getting hung up on gossip and buying into the nonsense?   Too much internet/TV/smart phone time?

Identify some key triggers in your life that derail you and start to think about ways to try to avoid them.  I know if I don't get enough sleep I'm more likely to feel down, which makes me want to sit on the couch, which means I watch too much TV, which get the picture.  For the record, I never believe you 'fall off the wagon' and should just throw in the towel when you are on your path of action and change.  Sure, you have have slipped up but don't let that define you!  I just know that I MUST put myself to bed every night at a reasonable time and even if that means 7:30 pm. End of story.

One final thought with the idea of triggers.  Think of little children.  If they don't get enough sleep, eat too much sugar, don't get to run around at the park, watch too much TV, don't get some play time either with other kids or a grownup, or get too much stimulation they freak out.  They can't handle it and they spiral out of control.  Why would we think the same rules don't apply to us as adults? 

Bussi, Bussi!

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