Saturday, January 7, 2012

Random Bits and Bobs

Hello Friends!

How was your first week of the New Year?  Any fun stunts to report?

A few random bits and bobs for the weekend:

1.  Guess what I'm going to be working on today????
Watch out Maria von Trapp!  There's a new sheriff in town.  Santa brought me my very own guitar and I can't wait to get started.  I've wanted to learn to play for a long time and this will just increase the shenanigan quotient! 

2.  I can't tell if I like this or not.  It's kind of old lady and hideous but I can't seem to pull myself away from the glory of it all.  Could be a good stunt for 2012. 

3.  Speaking of stunts, this year I want to tackle a block-of-the-month quilt project.  Lord knows I have loads of fabric that is waiting for just such a project.  I miss sewing but don't have enough space for large projects.  Quilt blocks might be just the ticket.  Craftsy has a free online course with some good ideas.  Sew, Mama, Sew had a great Modern Block of the Month tutorial from last year that looks interesting and fun and may be right up my alley.  

4.  Epiphany was yesterday.  On one hand I sort of dropped the ball because I should've had a big party complete with Three Kings Cake and a Blessing of the Home.  I have a book titled "Bread for the Day-Daily Bible Readings and Prayers for 2012" that gives daily scripture readings, a thought for the day, a hymn for the day (!!!), and a prayer.  (It's published by Augsburg Fortress but I can't seem to find a copy of it online....)  Yesterday, there was a special house blessing complete with an inscription you could write above your door in chalk:  20+CMB+12.  C for Caspar, M for Melchior and B for Balthasar followed the star of God's Son who came to dwell among us 20: two thousand 12: and twelve years ago, + Christ, bless this house, + and remain with us throughout the new year.  Sort of pagan and Lutheran at the same time.  Love!  Oh well.  Maybe next year I'll be more organized.  Instead I celebrated with family and a dear friend by eating this,  Rachel Ray Paella, and exchanging gifts.  The Paella is easy to make and feeds loads of people.  Ray's recipes aren't always easy to follow because I feel like she leaves out some steps but this is pretty straight forward and if you have any intuition in the kitchen you should be able to work through it.  It's a crowd please and delicious.  

4.  One of my Epiphany gifts was a spa kit from  It's amazing and makes for a wonderful treat.  
Wishing you a wonderful weekend full of fun and mischief.  Remember, this post will stay up until Monday because I'm unplugging on Sunday's during 2012. 

Bussi bussi! 

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