Happy Wednesday Darlings,
FOOD. When you think of FOOD what comes to mind? What's your initial gut reaction?
FOOD was in the forefront for this Church Lady yesterday and two of my resolutions this year revolve around FOOD.
One of my resolutions is to rethink my relationship with food. I've spent years obsessing about food. Which food is the right type to eat? Should I go raw, vegan, high protein, all organic, eat cheap food, eat expensive food, figure out a way to grow my own food, just throw in the towel....
It's really maddening and I've let myself get sucked into that cycle. I probably spend 1/3 of my day wondering and worrying about food. And to top it off, and here comes resolution number two, I throw out TONS of food every year. I'm not proud of this fact and it's important to note that I spent a good two hours yesterday cleaning our my cupboards and the refrigerator and I'm ashamed to say that I threw out two, bulging bags of stuff. One bag was so full that it started to break on the way to the garbage can and I had to quickly run upstairs to get a broom and more bags. This is particularly horrifying to me because not only am I wasting loads of money but someone I know is desperate for help to pay for food and has spent a month dealing with all of the red tape of Public Assistance just in an effort to try to get food stamps to help feed her kids. (Personally, I think she's being discriminated against because she is an immigrant and wears a head scarf but that's another post for another day but SHAME ON YOU NYC and SHAME ON YOU AMERICA, LAND OF OPPORTUNITY!).
During the grand clean of the fridge yesterday I caught an interview on Charlie Rose with Adam Gopnik. Gopnik was talking about his new book "The Table Comes First" and he had lots of interesting things to share about his time in France, how dining starts the minute you walk in the door, the importance of eating at the table together, and a brief history of restaurants but the thing that struck me was when he mentioned how food is what we use to identify us. It can say a lot about our history, our beliefs, how we vote, what we think about, how we welcome people etc. Wow. It's really true and I for one do not want to be identified as someone who spends her time obsessing about food and subsequently throwing it out.
So what's a neurotic and wasteful gal to do? A few things:
1. I'm not wild about eating leftovers and I am just not the type housewife who will make 3 hot meals a day. Sorry. Solution? Sandwiches! Oh, Sandwiches are beautiful, sandwiches are fine. I like sandwiches, I eat them all the time. Easy, tasty, and with endless possibilities. I'm not talking about some bland bread with some boring cheese and processed meat. Olives? Homemade Jam? Hearty Bread? Hummus? New flavors and types of cheeses? Yes please.
2. In a move of perfect timing, Food Rules by Michael Pollan arrived yesterday. Of course I got the illustrated edition. A fun dose of food wisdom with great pictures.
3. Stop. Throwing. Out. Food. Not only am I trying to save some extra money but I'm a big believer in social justice. Throwing out food is just a slap in the face.
Buon Appetite!
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