Buon Tuesday Lovlies!
I was reminiscing this morning on little sayings that I've heard or read over the years in my family.
1. "Ahhhh NNNNNNNNuts". My Grandpa never swore but when he was frustrated he let out a very deliberate "Ahhhh NNNNNNNuts". Very sweet and endearing and a good lesson in watching what comes out of your mouth.
2. "If you're bored you're boring". I remember my Mom saying this once and it's always stuck with me. Who wants to be boring?
3. "Tough times never last but tough people do". I found this saying on a prayer card in my Grandma's bedroom after she passed away. It was interesting that she had this because not only was she a devoutly religious person but she lived in a great deal of pain most of her life. The last years of her life were particularly awful. I never found out where/when/how she came upon this card but I would imagine that it was a source of strength for her.
4. You get a bonus one today. "Children should be seen and not heard". My Nana used to say this and she certainly was from a generation where the children were happy and clean at all times when presented in public. I don't begrudgeher this sentiment at all and in fact it makes me laugh out loud because while my own toddler is very sweet and loving she certainly is a sight to behold-both visual and audio-at any time of the day.
5. It's two for one bonus day. "Jesus loves you. Get a grip". This was something I came up with in middle school and used to say to my confirmation teacher all the time. It was my mantra and I even used it in closing a letter that I wrote to the editor of the local paper.
How about you darlings? Any funny family sayings?
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Das Love List #7
Winter Is the Best Time
Winter is the best time
to found out who you are.
Quiet, contemplation time,
away from the rushing world,
cold time, dark time, holed-up
pulled-in time and space
to see that inner landscape,
that place hidden and within.
"Wintr Is the Best Time" by David Budbill from While We've Still Got Feet
Happy Monday Darlings! There is something lovely and comforting about a poem. A book is a great meal but a poem is like a wonderful little desert to finish the meal. So much is encapsulated in these petite gems which is amazing when you think about how much work goes on behind the scenes in creating them. There are so many great poems to choose from but here are some of my favorites off the top of my head. How about you friends? Do you have any favorite poems??
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
William Shakespeare, Sonnet 130
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
William Shakespeare, Sonnet 130
[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
e.e. cummings
T'is so Much Joy
’T is so much joy! ’T is so much joy!
If I should fail, what poverty!
And yet, as poor as I
have ventured all upon a throw;
Have gained! Yes! Hesitated so
This side the victory!
Life is but life, and death but death!
Bliss is but bliss, and breath but breath!
And if, indeed, I fail,
At least to know the worst is sweet.
Defeat means nothing but defeat,
No drearier can prevail!
And if I gain,—oh, gun at sea,
Oh, bells that in the steeples be,
At first repeat it slow!
For heaven is a different thing
Conjectured, and waked sudden in,
And might o’erwhelm me so!
Emily Dickinson
If I should fail, what poverty!
And yet, as poor as I
have ventured all upon a throw;
Have gained! Yes! Hesitated so
This side the victory!
Life is but life, and death but death!
Bliss is but bliss, and breath but breath!
And if, indeed, I fail,
At least to know the worst is sweet.
Defeat means nothing but defeat,
No drearier can prevail!
And if I gain,—oh, gun at sea,
Oh, bells that in the steeples be,
At first repeat it slow!
For heaven is a different thing
Conjectured, and waked sudden in,
And might o’erwhelm me so!
Emily Dickinson
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Das Love List #6
Happy Saturday Darlings!
I had a very bizarre dream last night. I was about to attend a Harry Potter movie but stopped in the theater's in house beauty salon for a quick wash and set. Friends, this is all of the three things that I really enjoy in life.
1. Going to the movie theater.
2. Getting my hair done.
3. The Harry Potter movies.
Clearly, my brain is in Das Love List mode! Speaking of movies, I'm adding a 4th thing to the List today. If you haven't seen Bill Cunningham New York stop what you are doing and upload it to your Netflix instant queue! The man is incredible and if you live in New York it reminds you there are still a few true, folks out there who also have some of that old city magic to them. Cunningham is an inspiration. My favorite moment is when he starts to weep when he says, "It's true what they say. If you look for beauty you will find it". Amazing.
Bussi Bussi!
I had a very bizarre dream last night. I was about to attend a Harry Potter movie but stopped in the theater's in house beauty salon for a quick wash and set. Friends, this is all of the three things that I really enjoy in life.
1. Going to the movie theater.
2. Getting my hair done.
3. The Harry Potter movies.
Clearly, my brain is in Das Love List mode! Speaking of movies, I'm adding a 4th thing to the List today. If you haven't seen Bill Cunningham New York stop what you are doing and upload it to your Netflix instant queue! The man is incredible and if you live in New York it reminds you there are still a few true, folks out there who also have some of that old city magic to them. Cunningham is an inspiration. My favorite moment is when he starts to weep when he says, "It's true what they say. If you look for beauty you will find it". Amazing.
Bussi Bussi!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Das Love List #4 and #5
Buon Friday Darlings,
Colds and fevers have been running rampant like the plague in our house this past week. I think we are all finally on the mend but it was a snotty and rough week. Today is catch up time so you get TWO lists!
1. Tylenol. It really is the cure all for all that ails for all age groups. Thankfully I always keep a stash in the house.
2. Puffs Plus with Lotion. I only have a few dry spots on my nose as opposed to the usual red schnaz that looks like you took an electric sander to it.
3. The Roku Box. Thank you Jesus for being able to stream movies. Granted, I've watched Lion King probably 25 times this week but it's keeping us sane and entertained.
4. The blender. Das Toddler and I have been making amazing smoothies for our morning snacks. Yum all around and she eats her entire serving. A miracle considering toddlers can be picky eaters and you have no idea when/how much they will eat when they do. She has a discerning palate so it can be tricky to sneak veggies into solid food but smoothies cover up all manners of mischief :)
5. Steak. A big apology to my vegetarian friends but I love me my steak. It takes no time to cook up, you just need a little S&P and no extra oil and presto. Instant dinner. This is especially important when you have sickies in the house and you are starving and need something on the fly. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
6. Long soaks in the tub with Epsom salts and Menthol infused bath soap. This is the best way to soothe achy muscles and to clear out the nasal pipes. Again, anyone from ages 2-92 can indulge in this little bit of heaven.
How about you darlings? Any favorites for when you are under the weather?
Colds and fevers have been running rampant like the plague in our house this past week. I think we are all finally on the mend but it was a snotty and rough week. Today is catch up time so you get TWO lists!
1. Tylenol. It really is the cure all for all that ails for all age groups. Thankfully I always keep a stash in the house.
2. Puffs Plus with Lotion. I only have a few dry spots on my nose as opposed to the usual red schnaz that looks like you took an electric sander to it.
3. The Roku Box. Thank you Jesus for being able to stream movies. Granted, I've watched Lion King probably 25 times this week but it's keeping us sane and entertained.
4. The blender. Das Toddler and I have been making amazing smoothies for our morning snacks. Yum all around and she eats her entire serving. A miracle considering toddlers can be picky eaters and you have no idea when/how much they will eat when they do. She has a discerning palate so it can be tricky to sneak veggies into solid food but smoothies cover up all manners of mischief :)
5. Steak. A big apology to my vegetarian friends but I love me my steak. It takes no time to cook up, you just need a little S&P and no extra oil and presto. Instant dinner. This is especially important when you have sickies in the house and you are starving and need something on the fly. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
6. Long soaks in the tub with Epsom salts and Menthol infused bath soap. This is the best way to soothe achy muscles and to clear out the nasal pipes. Again, anyone from ages 2-92 can indulge in this little bit of heaven.
How about you darlings? Any favorites for when you are under the weather?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Das Love List #3
Happy Wednesday!
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day was a favorite of mine growing up and I thought about it yesterday because my morning did not start off as planned. I managed to rally because due in large part to the three things on my Das Love List today.
1. Walks in Nature. My Mother was right. Fresh air is the cure-all for all that ails you and nothing cures the cranks like a long walk outside. Plus, we are experiencing above normal temps so if I can't have snow then I'll hang out in the sun and 51 degree gloriousness.
2. Purging. I'm not talking about your lunch but the C.R.A.P. in your house. I'm determined to get everything organized, clear the clutter and throw the junk all in time for Easter. I want to be able to spend spring enjoying NYC and not cleaning out drawers.
3. Chocolate. Let's me honest here folks. A little dab will do but it always tips the scales in your favor. This and this are current favorites.
Enjoy the day darlings.
Bussi Bussi!
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day was a favorite of mine growing up and I thought about it yesterday because my morning did not start off as planned. I managed to rally because due in large part to the three things on my Das Love List today.
1. Walks in Nature. My Mother was right. Fresh air is the cure-all for all that ails you and nothing cures the cranks like a long walk outside. Plus, we are experiencing above normal temps so if I can't have snow then I'll hang out in the sun and 51 degree gloriousness.
2. Purging. I'm not talking about your lunch but the C.R.A.P. in your house. I'm determined to get everything organized, clear the clutter and throw the junk all in time for Easter. I want to be able to spend spring enjoying NYC and not cleaning out drawers.
3. Chocolate. Let's me honest here folks. A little dab will do but it always tips the scales in your favor. This and this are current favorites.
Enjoy the day darlings.
Bussi Bussi!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Das Love List #2
Happy Day Dearies,
My "Das Love List" is full of quotes today. Nothing can teach you a good life lesson as well as a quote.
You'll be hearing more of my favorites over the next few weeks but nothing compares to what came out of the mouth of Benjamin Franklin. He is known for some gems including "A saved is a penny earned" and "A place for everything and everything in it's place". Three of my other favorites include:
1. A good conscience is a continual Christmas.
2. A house is not home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.
3. A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.
How about you? Love quotes? Any favorites?
My "Das Love List" is full of quotes today. Nothing can teach you a good life lesson as well as a quote.
You'll be hearing more of my favorites over the next few weeks but nothing compares to what came out of the mouth of Benjamin Franklin. He is known for some gems including "A saved is a penny earned" and "A place for everything and everything in it's place". Three of my other favorites include:
1. A good conscience is a continual Christmas.
2. A house is not home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.
3. A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.
How about you? Love quotes? Any favorites?
Monday, January 23, 2012
Das Love List #1
Happy Monday Darlings,
I've had love and Valentine's Day on the brain lately. I like vintage Valentine's Day decorations, I do like chocolate, I like the craft possibilities and in the gray doldrums of winter who wouldn't want a splash of color in their day? More on the history of V-Day later but it was originally just another day on the church calender for saints with the last name "Valentine". It wasn't until Geoffrey Chaucer came long that we have the 'chocolate-induced-food-coma-sex-fest' that we know and love/hate today.
It's no secret that I like making lists, a good stunt and a themed event so I thought it fun to count down to V-Day with Das Love Lists. Come up with three, random and off the top of your head things that you really like or things your love, love, love. (More later on like vs love).
Without further ado:
1. Toddler squeezes. My DD has the killer snuggle squeeze down to a science. I'll probably need physical therapy later in life but for now I'll take it! So sweet and this is unconditional love at it's best.
2. Did you know about this website? Pioneer Thinking is just the ticket.
3. Hot and clean water. Sounds trite but on cold days nothing beats a hot shower in the morning. Not too long ago we would've had to heat water on the stove if we were lucky enough to have the means to heat water. I'd take a cold shower if I had to but nothing beats a hot one.
How about you? What three things are on your list today?
Bussi Bussi!
I've had love and Valentine's Day on the brain lately. I like vintage Valentine's Day decorations, I do like chocolate, I like the craft possibilities and in the gray doldrums of winter who wouldn't want a splash of color in their day? More on the history of V-Day later but it was originally just another day on the church calender for saints with the last name "Valentine". It wasn't until Geoffrey Chaucer came long that we have the 'chocolate-induced-food-coma-sex-fest' that we know and love/hate today.
It's no secret that I like making lists, a good stunt and a themed event so I thought it fun to count down to V-Day with Das Love Lists. Come up with three, random and off the top of your head things that you really like or things your love, love, love. (More later on like vs love).
Without further ado:
1. Toddler squeezes. My DD has the killer snuggle squeeze down to a science. I'll probably need physical therapy later in life but for now I'll take it! So sweet and this is unconditional love at it's best.
2. Did you know about this website? Pioneer Thinking is just the ticket.
3. Hot and clean water. Sounds trite but on cold days nothing beats a hot shower in the morning. Not too long ago we would've had to heat water on the stove if we were lucky enough to have the means to heat water. I'd take a cold shower if I had to but nothing beats a hot one.
How about you? What three things are on your list today?
Bussi Bussi!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Poaching Post #3
Happy Saturday Darlings!
First things first.......WE FINALLY HAVE SNOW! It is super exciting.
This is my last poaching post from O Magazine. Martha Beck had a great column this month about finding lasting happiness and the difference between joyful living and crazed living. This was another major light-bulb moment for me because I had always assumed that there was a direct correlation between your level of happiness and the intensity in which you experience and/or lived life. If it wasn't big, loud, fast, bold, bright or sparkly then I wouldn't be happy enough. I'm an extrovert by nature and feel comfortable in most situations but I wouldn't consider myself the bell of the ball. I'm equally at home both spending time going out with people and spending time by myself. I love going to movies by myself or spending the evening alone reading a book as much as I like dinner and the theater with friends. While this stuff makes me happy part of me assumed that I wasn't happy enough and maybe even a little boring because I didn't want to spend Friday night out on the town or all of my free time running around.
Beck says "True happiness is sustainable delight in the beautiful moments of ordinary life". What?! You mean I should just look for quality over quantity? Light-bulb! Of course all of us have different ideas of what 'quality' is but that's just the thing. It's MY definition of quality. Hooray! And also, my definition of quality does not require public approval. Do you ever find yourself doing things and then waiting for recognition in order to validate how good/bad you are? I certainly could focus on the action more than the reaction. So without further ado, this is what I did over the past 48 hours and it was HEAVEN!
1. Lots of walks outside with das Toddler. She loves to get all snuggled in the stroller under blankets and with her cookies and makes me push her all over Queens. She's like a queen in her litter and I her humble servant. Probably not far from the truth but still very funny and fun.
2. I had a late lunch at Eataly on Thursday. Oh. My. Gosh. Yummy!
3. Totally random but I had no idea that there was real Dunder Mifflin paper products out in the world. I found this at church and almost fell over with delight!
4. I made this yummy cake yesterday. It was a little dry because I left it in too long and I did not add the frosting but still worth the effort. Not overly sweet and delicious, dark chocolate flavor!
There isn't one thing on this list that is over the top or crazy or loud or showy but they all made me happy and they make me happy just thinking about them. Which is great because now I can spend less time worrying that I'm not happy enough and just enjoy__________. Buon weekend darlings!
Bussi Bussi!
First things first.......WE FINALLY HAVE SNOW! It is super exciting.
This is my last poaching post from O Magazine. Martha Beck had a great column this month about finding lasting happiness and the difference between joyful living and crazed living. This was another major light-bulb moment for me because I had always assumed that there was a direct correlation between your level of happiness and the intensity in which you experience and/or lived life. If it wasn't big, loud, fast, bold, bright or sparkly then I wouldn't be happy enough. I'm an extrovert by nature and feel comfortable in most situations but I wouldn't consider myself the bell of the ball. I'm equally at home both spending time going out with people and spending time by myself. I love going to movies by myself or spending the evening alone reading a book as much as I like dinner and the theater with friends. While this stuff makes me happy part of me assumed that I wasn't happy enough and maybe even a little boring because I didn't want to spend Friday night out on the town or all of my free time running around.
Beck says "True happiness is sustainable delight in the beautiful moments of ordinary life". What?! You mean I should just look for quality over quantity? Light-bulb! Of course all of us have different ideas of what 'quality' is but that's just the thing. It's MY definition of quality. Hooray! And also, my definition of quality does not require public approval. Do you ever find yourself doing things and then waiting for recognition in order to validate how good/bad you are? I certainly could focus on the action more than the reaction. So without further ado, this is what I did over the past 48 hours and it was HEAVEN!
1. Lots of walks outside with das Toddler. She loves to get all snuggled in the stroller under blankets and with her cookies and makes me push her all over Queens. She's like a queen in her litter and I her humble servant. Probably not far from the truth but still very funny and fun.
2. I had a late lunch at Eataly on Thursday. Oh. My. Gosh. Yummy!
3. Totally random but I had no idea that there was real Dunder Mifflin paper products out in the world. I found this at church and almost fell over with delight!
4. I made this yummy cake yesterday. It was a little dry because I left it in too long and I did not add the frosting but still worth the effort. Not overly sweet and delicious, dark chocolate flavor!
5. It was another Finishing Friday and I only have one round left on this blanket! Hooray!
6. I treated myself and finally watched Midnight in Paris. Holy buckets. Amazing. I always enjoy Woody Allen films but this is right up there is Annie Hall in my book. Hopefully das Toddler will fall asleep and I can watch it again today :)There isn't one thing on this list that is over the top or crazy or loud or showy but they all made me happy and they make me happy just thinking about them. Which is great because now I can spend less time worrying that I'm not happy enough and just enjoy__________. Buon weekend darlings!
Bussi Bussi!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Poaching Post #2
Hello Darlings and Happy Thursday,
A few random updates before we get to the business of poaching from Oprah's magazine.
1) Even after a few days the apple cake is still delicious and moist.
2) No sign of Mr. Mouse. Hopefully he burned at the stake when he crawled back down the radiator pipes. Or maybe it was the sight of dear hubby in work gloves carrying a long ice scraper/brush out for the kill that sent a loud and clear message :)
3) I'm loving this cold weather and we are supposed to get a dusting of snow tonight. Hooray! I can't complain because I have a warm home and warm winter clothing so really, I want for nothing. However, cold weather makes getting up extra early to work on various writing deadlines I have looming very tricky. I'm just going to accept the fact that I need to work late in the evening rather than during my prefered early morning times until at least April.
This month there was a makeover spread in O Magazine with four women who were made over to look like a specific 'type' that their inner female was yearning to be. For example one woman transformed into a burlesque star. Another one into a femme fatal/vixen. While this was interesting to see the transformations I had my own personal 'specific type' ah-ha moment. Since I'm a tall and sturdy gal with curves I just assumed that I should always go for the 'burlesque' type. But no! I am drawn to the gamine! I love the short hair, striped clothing, floral prints, interesting accessories, twinkle in the eye and the ballet flats. With all of the problems in the world is seems sort of silly to be obsessing about things like this but the reason I point it out today is that it informed me that yet again I'm not listening to what I, Church Lady Gretchy, like and am dutifully drawn to what I should be interested in based on stereotypes. Why can't a hefty gal be interested in all things Roman Holiday-esque? I'm well aware that I will never be 5"2' or that my eyes won't get any bigger or I won't be as waif like at Leslie Caron or Audrey Hepburn but who cares? Life's too short to get too caught up in the particulars. How about your darlings? What 'types' are you drawn to?
Bussi Bussi!
A few random updates before we get to the business of poaching from Oprah's magazine.
1) Even after a few days the apple cake is still delicious and moist.
2) No sign of Mr. Mouse. Hopefully he burned at the stake when he crawled back down the radiator pipes. Or maybe it was the sight of dear hubby in work gloves carrying a long ice scraper/brush out for the kill that sent a loud and clear message :)
3) I'm loving this cold weather and we are supposed to get a dusting of snow tonight. Hooray! I can't complain because I have a warm home and warm winter clothing so really, I want for nothing. However, cold weather makes getting up extra early to work on various writing deadlines I have looming very tricky. I'm just going to accept the fact that I need to work late in the evening rather than during my prefered early morning times until at least April.
This month there was a makeover spread in O Magazine with four women who were made over to look like a specific 'type' that their inner female was yearning to be. For example one woman transformed into a burlesque star. Another one into a femme fatal/vixen. While this was interesting to see the transformations I had my own personal 'specific type' ah-ha moment. Since I'm a tall and sturdy gal with curves I just assumed that I should always go for the 'burlesque' type. But no! I am drawn to the gamine! I love the short hair, striped clothing, floral prints, interesting accessories, twinkle in the eye and the ballet flats. With all of the problems in the world is seems sort of silly to be obsessing about things like this but the reason I point it out today is that it informed me that yet again I'm not listening to what I, Church Lady Gretchy, like and am dutifully drawn to what I should be interested in based on stereotypes. Why can't a hefty gal be interested in all things Roman Holiday-esque? I'm well aware that I will never be 5"2' or that my eyes won't get any bigger or I won't be as waif like at Leslie Caron or Audrey Hepburn but who cares? Life's too short to get too caught up in the particulars. How about your darlings? What 'types' are you drawn to?
Bussi Bussi!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Poaching Post #1
Happy Mittwoch Lieblings,

We are running on fumes over at Stunts because at around 11:00 pm last night I distinctly heard the tell tale signs of a Mr. Mouse. Ugh. We rarely get mice but when we do (hey, it's a big city and an old building) they tend to come up the pipes in our bedroom. Double ugh. Normally I'd run like a crazy woman into the living room and curl up on the couch and wait for hubby to come home to take care of business but I was too tired and too annoyed to care so I just perched myself in my bed with my book and the lights on. Maybe Mr. Mouse smarted up and decided to vacate because we can't find it anywhere but the traps are set and the exterminator on speed dial. Little bastards. Of course I hardly slept a wink so all I can say is Mr. Mouse had better watch out because if I do see it I might get all medieval and burn it at the stake.
Anywho, crazy mouse ramblings aside, I've stumbled upon some very interesting things over the past few days and I think they are worth sharing. In light of all the SOPA nonsense and because I like to think I'm a relatively honest person I can't take credit for these ideas so I'm calling the next few days my "Poaching Posts".
1. What isn't authentic? I read this post by Jenna over at Cold Antler Farm yesterday and it asks a very simple and valid question What isn't authentic [for you] in the context of striving for a more authentic life. I know many of you who read this ask yourself that on a daily basis and I know I think about this all. the. time. For me at least the problem lies in figuring out what makes for an authentic Church Lady Gretchy. Hmmmm.......food for thought.
2. I've subscribed to Oprah magazine for years and while I love the articles I have a hard time actually sitting down and reading them. On Sunday I actually read one cover to cover while slogging away on the treadmill and there were so many poach-able ideas I just didn't know where to begin. Today let's start with Six Word Memoirs. I've done various exercises in the past where you write about yourself in order to inform yourself about yourself-make sense? For example, if you want to work on overall goals for your life one exercise is to write your obituary and tell others about your life. You could say so and so lived to a ripe old age because she juiced every day and never missed an opportunity to travel the world. Or so and so was loved by all in her small, Alaskan community. Etc. This Six Word Memoir is ingenious because you only get 6 words to tell your story. Editor Larry Smith of the web magazine SMITH Magazine got the idea after inspiration struck from Ernest Hemingway's Shortest of Short stories. If you only had 6 words to say what would they be?
I'm cheating because I'm using 6 1/2 word for the first one but this what I came up with:
Got over self. Lived full life.
We are running on fumes over at Stunts because at around 11:00 pm last night I distinctly heard the tell tale signs of a Mr. Mouse. Ugh. We rarely get mice but when we do (hey, it's a big city and an old building) they tend to come up the pipes in our bedroom. Double ugh. Normally I'd run like a crazy woman into the living room and curl up on the couch and wait for hubby to come home to take care of business but I was too tired and too annoyed to care so I just perched myself in my bed with my book and the lights on. Maybe Mr. Mouse smarted up and decided to vacate because we can't find it anywhere but the traps are set and the exterminator on speed dial. Little bastards. Of course I hardly slept a wink so all I can say is Mr. Mouse had better watch out because if I do see it I might get all medieval and burn it at the stake.
Anywho, crazy mouse ramblings aside, I've stumbled upon some very interesting things over the past few days and I think they are worth sharing. In light of all the SOPA nonsense and because I like to think I'm a relatively honest person I can't take credit for these ideas so I'm calling the next few days my "Poaching Posts".
1. What isn't authentic? I read this post by Jenna over at Cold Antler Farm yesterday and it asks a very simple and valid question What isn't authentic [for you] in the context of striving for a more authentic life. I know many of you who read this ask yourself that on a daily basis and I know I think about this all. the. time. For me at least the problem lies in figuring out what makes for an authentic Church Lady Gretchy. Hmmmm.......food for thought.
2. I've subscribed to Oprah magazine for years and while I love the articles I have a hard time actually sitting down and reading them. On Sunday I actually read one cover to cover while slogging away on the treadmill and there were so many poach-able ideas I just didn't know where to begin. Today let's start with Six Word Memoirs. I've done various exercises in the past where you write about yourself in order to inform yourself about yourself-make sense? For example, if you want to work on overall goals for your life one exercise is to write your obituary and tell others about your life. You could say so and so lived to a ripe old age because she juiced every day and never missed an opportunity to travel the world. Or so and so was loved by all in her small, Alaskan community. Etc. This Six Word Memoir is ingenious because you only get 6 words to tell your story. Editor Larry Smith of the web magazine SMITH Magazine got the idea after inspiration struck from Ernest Hemingway's Shortest of Short stories. If you only had 6 words to say what would they be?
I'm cheating because I'm using 6 1/2 word for the first one but this what I came up with:
Grace-filled authentic life; earned, lived and loved.
Chickens, yarn, family, faith, friends and cake.
Take that mouse! Mommy wins again.
Take that mouse! Mommy wins again.
Smile! You can't have it all.
Got over self. Lived full life.
What would you write?
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