Saturday, December 31, 2011

Guten Rutsch


As the Germans say, guten rutsch, or 'good slide' into 2012.  I just love this image because I have visions of just flying into the New Year with a smile on your face and sparks shooting out from behind you.  No drunken stumbling or snoring through the ringing of a New Year! 

For a lot of people I know 2011 was craptastic.  I will never understand why bad things happen to wonderful people.  If the universe wants a list of people who need a good dose of nastiness in their lives I could certainly volunteer some names of 'deserving' folks.  Not to sound trite, but I guess that's life and perhaps the best thing we can do is to have an extra serving of guacamole, hold our loved ones a little closer and just have a good slide forward.  Better, I suppose, to pull up the ol' boot straps and try again than to give up. 

I've mentioned before how much I love the idea of new beginnings.  Every minute, every hour and every day is a chance for a fresh start.  The slate is clean and you have a chance to make new, and wonderful choices.  Today is a day to reflect on the past 365 days but starting tomorrow you get a whole new set of 365 freshly laundered days.  Did you make any resolutions?  Were you specific or just general? I've been working on a running list of specific things over the past week.  I can't wait to tackle these fun activities. 

My working list of resolutions!
Every year it's been a tradition among our circle of friends to give a title to the new year.  This year it's Delve Into Twelve.  I'll be making every effort to post 6 days a week and continuing on some of the themes we tackled in 2011 with some new, fun stunts.  I loved my Spirit Sunday posts but one of my resolutions is to unplug on Sundays.   I can't wait to spend the next year with you darlings.  Best wishes for a wonderful last day of 2011 and may you go flying into 2012 with a smile and some zest, spice and vigor!


PS-Did you know that Pantone has a color of the year!?  Fantastic.  

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