It's a random, Advent Wednesdsay!
1. I failed in my German heritage and new Turkish roots yesterday. I was so taken with Zuzu that I forgot to mention Nikolaos of Myra or Saint Nicholas. He had a reputation for secret gift giving by putting coins in shoes who left them out for him and is the model for our modern day Santa Claus. In Germany, children leave their shoes outside in the hopes of a sweet treat instead of coal. The 6th of December is his feast day. Oopsie. I guess I get coal this year.....
1.1 It's Pearl Harbor Day. A special nod to all of our WWII vets and especially those lovely vets I met in Texas this year while performing "Angel Corp". An extra special nod to those who also work for peace. Did you know that one person voted against the United States entering WWII after the attacks on Pearl Harbor and that one person was a woman who also happened to be the first woman elected to congress who also happened to be from MONTANA? (Sniff with pride). I tried to insert this image without much success. All I can say is wow.
2. I've been reading my The Vintage Tea Party Book instead of working on my Christmas knitting. It's divine and makes you want to host a party. The recipes are fascinating and very English but with a twist, the pictures and illustrations are adorable and inspiring and it just makes me smile. Anyone game for high tea in the new year? This book is great and you can find it used in the United States if you think someone on your list would like it for Christmas. I bought mine used and it looks brand new.
2.2 Maybe I'm craving all things English after this weekends concert and watching English shows but this looks amazing sweet english breakfast porridge looks amazing.
4. I need snow. Get on it Mother Nature. Please turn the rain coming to the Northeast into snow. Thanks.
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