Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Das Love List #20-Happy Valentine's Day

Well love it or hate it darlings, Valentine's Day is here.  I've seen sentimental and mushy posts on some blogs, the peddling of products on others, and one actually posted a picture of a wheelbarrow full of horse poop to celebrate the day.  Ha!  When I was in high school V-Day was torture.  Flowers and gifts by the ton would roll in and the names of the lucky recipients would be displayed on a big chalkboard in the office.  It was really crazy that so many high school kids would be getting such an insane amount of love tokens.  As if high school wasn't painful enough, you were reminded how much of a loser you were if you walked to your car in the parking lot NOT carrying a mass of roses, stuffed animals or balloons.  Awful, awful, awful.  Well, one year to my surprise, my name was on that chalkboard of fate and I had pink roses waiting for m in the office.  Like a great 80's movie I had meet a really nice guy at the lake the previous summer.  He was a cousin to a good friend and we stayed in touch and became friends.  This was before email and we had great conversations on the telephone.   I'm not sure there was a huge romantic spark but he was nice and fun to chat with.  Clearly, romantic gestures were right up his alley and he surprised me with a grand romantic gesture on the most dreaded day of the year.  So sweet.  My jealous friend had to go and deflate my bubble by accusing me of sending flowers to myself because the handwriting on the card looked like mine.  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned I guess.  Regardless, I still have fond memories to this day.  Of course, I was a doofus when it came to the other sex and blew him off the following summer (girls are so stupid sometimes!).  I have no idea what he's up to but maybe some good, old fashioned facebook stalking is in order later today...... 

So, here's the challenge for today.  We ALL can fine at least one person we care about.  Send them a nice note, or flowers, take them to lunch or give them a call.  And if today reminds you of a wheelbarrow of horse poop then never fear darlings, tomorrow I have a 26 day stunt planned. 

Love Love and Bussi Bussi!

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