Did you have a good Halloween? I saw this interesting commentary over at Cold Antler Farm and just had to share.
What was once a night to celebrate the end of the harvest, reverence for the dead, fear of the unknown, and welcoming the contemplative time of winter has since been twisted into an idol worship in equal parts of sex, violence, and high fructose corn syrup.
I love that image of 'contemplative time of winter'. I think it fits Gratitude and Thankfulness perfectly. Do you feel like the contemplative time of winter is upon us? Was your inbox inundated with Christmas specials and solicitations to spend money this morning?
I was feeling under the weather yesterday and I originally thought it was The Rots from too much candy. Nope. The achy joints and chills confirmed it. Touch-O-Flu.
Today I'm grateful for the stash of Tylenol in the house, extra cash in my pocket to pay for soup from the Chinese takeout place and DVDs. I really should make up batches of soup, or at a minimum a bunch of stock, to freeze for sick days instead of ordering out. Soup from a can is really not my favorite because the taste is off but I suppose it would be a good idea to add at least one can along with a box of saltines to my emergency supplies (thank you Hurricane Irene for helping me to get that in order!). Anyone have a favorite soup recipe that they use when they get sick? A good stock recipe? Nothing says 'contemplative time of winter' more than a good bowl of steaming soup.
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